Wednesday, December 9, 2009

English 101

I really enjoyed taking this course with Professor Charlton. I feel that I was able to reflect my true potential. As this was my first semester of college I feel as though I have a great outlook on the next few years. I must admit this course was not easy, but it taught me many valueable lessons that will stick with me as I move on. I just want to thank Professor Charlton as well as all my peers for a wonderful first semester experience. Happy trails! :-)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Siearra Desiree Winslow

As I walked in to sit down on that cold Monday morning, a friend came up and said, have you heard about Siearra is it true? I said to him, that’s impossible there is no way it could have been her. As our teacher began class he closed the door and walked over to his desk to take a seat looking saddened and distraught. He informed us that our classmate Siaerra Winslow had been taken from us the previous night on her way home from work nearly a block away from where she lived. It is thought that a deer may have been the cause of this fatal accident but the real question is why her. I like to believe that God was in need of her beautiful smile and positive attitude. She had done so much for each and everyone that she knew, she couldn’t have been a better friend. She was belonged to so many extracurricular activities, and was truly the most well-rounded, friendliest, and caring person I have ever met. Fortunately, she was a part of our preschool program and she was able to guide so many of our children through their first few months of preschool. However, when the preschoolers were informed of her death they seemed a little uneasy. Thankfully because of her everlasting sunshine down on us she was able to help us through this devastating time whether physically present or not. I remember helping my senior class make T-Shirts in loving memory of her. The T-Shirt’s were sold for 6 dollars and we sold over 500. The money was sent to the family to help with the financial burden. She wrote a very ironic poem the week before in Mrs. Fertenbaugh's English class about a girl floating in a brook - and how she let herself float, and closed her eyes, and floated away. If you search Siearra Desiree Winslow, it's the first thing to come up on google - her poem. (Or at least it used to be, I don’t know if it is anymore.) As a year has gone by I pray that her family is coping well, we all miss her dearly. Siearra, angel continue to let your rays shine down on us, rest in peace. 12/07/08

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas Time!

So, who doesn't like the spirit of Christmas? I enjoy every minute of decorating, shopping, and baking! Yesterday in our classroom at the daycare center we prepared our room for Christmas! We gathered up all the lights to determine which lights of the thousands we had worked. Once this was done, we decided how we wanted to put up the lights. Ahh, bright idea! We decided to put them up in the shape of a CHRISTMAS TREE!!!! :-) It was great at first but soon became a little complicated. Never the less we were able to figure it out, and I must say it looks great! Then my co-worker Tina and I began working on the bulletin board outside of our room. We did this for an hour or two while the children were napping, and found that it seems to be a competition of who's classroom has the best bulletin board (obviously ours!) While she was getting the measurements for the paper, I worked on cutting out paper snowflakes and making paper chains. I am so excited to see how the classroom looks once the preparations are complete. Everything is just so creative and I will have to post pictures on here to show you all how spirited our classroom has been turning out to be!


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! When I woke up I heard my two year old nephew and my nine year old niece saying "SNOW, IT'S SNOWING, IT'S SNOWING!!!" I am so excited for the snow today. The weather is predicting one to three inches in my area and I couldn't be happier. Today I will be driving down to my boyfriend’s house to get together with his family. I think we will be going to Long Wood Gardens, which is going to be such a beautiful sight with snow! :-) All I ask is that the snow does not interfere with my driving! I say that because, my boyfriend lives forty-five minutes away and Long Wood Garden is almost three hours from my boyfriend's house! :-\ I remember last year when I got stuck going to my boyfriend's house in the snow because of all the hills that leads to his house. Grr, was I ever mad. Please pray for save driving! :-)

Friday, November 27, 2009

My First Venture on Black Friday!

Black Friday is one of the busiest shopping days of the year. I am proud to say I had my first midnight madness experience, and I am finally cured of that. At around six o'clock Thanksgiving night my boyfriend's sister, Jen begged her mom and I to go along with her to "Toys R Us" at midnight when they opened. She said they were advertising special door busters online that barely anyone knew about. Well, when we arrived the line went all the way across the building down past the abandoned circuit city and around the complex. The line was ridiculous to say the least. Well, after driving over 45 minutes to get there, we weren't just going to turn back now. Once we got in line it was about 11:30 and we stood in the freezing cold wind and rain for a half an hour before the store even opened. When they finally unlocked the doors, the line moved pretty quickly into the building. There was almost a riot at the door because people tried forming a second line on the opposite side and claiming that they were there long before everyone else. Once we started shopping I was beginning to feel very overwhelmed. We were pushing huge boxes around trying to weave through the aisles thinking about what we were going to buy. Leave it to us, not to make a list on black Friday. When we were all finished shopping we ventured off in search of the checkout line. Who would of known the line was from the front of the building weaving through each aisle all the way to the back of the building and then as if that wasn’t enough it went from the back of the store to the other end and back. We ended up waiting three hours in line. Black Friday is definitely not something I think is worth all the trouble. Honestly, "Toys R Us" barely had any good sales. Now come on, if you are going to open at midnight, at least have something worth my while for us spending three hours in line for. I didn't end up buying a thing, but my boyfriend's mother and sister ended up spending over 350 dollars all together. After going through the checkout and out the door to fill the car with all of our goodies, it wasn't until 4:00 that we were finally finished. Over four and a half hours spent at "Toys R Us" on black Friday.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Okay, so it's time for my daily rant! I am completely irritated hearing people complain about how tired they are with all the class work the past few weeks. Today, I went to psychology and although it is an eight o'clock class that doesn't mean it gives anyone the right to distract others over their worthless complaints. A few girls were aggravated that my professor still had class. They were upset that they had to attend class in order to get their one point for attendance. Honestly, if you are going to brag about how you told your boyfriend that you weren't going to attend any of your classes today then why are you even in college. College is for people who actually care about creating a future worth living. If you are going to be a slacker and complain because you actually receive points for just showing up to class, then why bother even coming if that one point isn't worth anything to you. Seriously, I am the most overwhelmed student sometimes but I never complain about my obligations. I paid for college, I paid to do well, and I'm going to succeed. Just please keep in mind, the next time you consider complaining about your life look around and check to see if ANYONE CARES! :) Have a happy turkey day everyone!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me!!!!!

Well to say the least I couldn't have had a better birthday! To start out I ended up baking four dozen batches of cup cakes for the daycare center and I was up until midnight on Thursday putting the final touches on them. Friday was to be the start of my birthday weekend, I worked at the center until 3:00, but I stayed a little later to enjoy the cup cakes with my little two year olds. :-) Later that night my boyfriend and I went out to my favorite restaurant Texas Road House! Yum, Yum! After that we did a little Christmas shopping and then went back to his house to watch a movie. The next day it was MY BIRTHDAY! I got up early to try and work on some homework and then went to Party City to visit my best friend, LaTicia. We ate some lunch together during her break which I really enjoyed because it has been a while since I've seen her. I came home around noon and my boyfriend came over. We went to Lancaster that evening with my parents, my sister, and her husband. Did I forget to mention that I share a birthday with my mother and sister? Yes, it's true! So we all went over to Shady Maple, yum, yum! After which my boyfriend and I went to Park City to window shop. Well we ended up window shopping in all the jewelry stores! :-) He ended up getting me a birthday ring which I was super surprised about! After going home and grabbing some clothes to spend the night we stopped at Giant to pick up an ice cream cake. It's not a birthday without ice cream cake!! After blowing out my candles and making my 19th wish, we ate while watching The Notebook with his parents. What a wonderful birthday weekend! :-)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thank You For Smoking

Thank You For Smoking was a very humorous and intriguing film. The movie was not just about the way Washington works but it also exposes the reality about friends, parenting, work, tough choices, paying the mortgage, and of course, freedom! I felt that the main character Nick Naylor really proved that it is simple to prove a point if you simply leave the opposing viewers thinking. I enjoyed the movie because there were many instances when any view point he presented was defendable, and he paid close attention to how he went about presenting it. Nick used just the right tactics, regardless of truth or ethics. Nick Naylor also used many thoughtful half-truths to expose the truth about cigarettes. I thought it was hilarious that he exposed himself to the women whom he thought he could trust! Just shows that when people need to pay the mortgage they don't mess around. ;) I would definitely recommend anyone to watch this film, it really tries to convince the simple minded that if they go beyond what is right in front of them they can accomplish anything. I think this film was a wonderful representation of what Professor Charlton expects from us in our classical arguments. This should be a challenge!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Christmas...Equals Broke!

Christmas time to me is one of the best times of the year! Not because of the gifts that I can't afford to buy, but because my family actually takes the time to get together. It is so comforting to know that Christmas is coming and I'll be able to spend a few day's just having the time of my life with the ones I love. My boyfriends grandparents also come up from Florida during this time, and to see them makes me SO happy! I don't have a grandpa that is living, I never have, and never will. His grandpa acts as my "step in" grandfather and this comforts me so much! I never knew what it felt like to have a grandfather until a few years ago and the feeling I get is undescribeable. Plus, during Christmas everyone decorates! Yay, this is my FAVORITE thing to do! Who doesn't like the smell of a freshly cut Christmas tree or the scent of a warm lit fireplace, and christmas cookies in the oven. Something I'll be thankful for this Thanksgiving, my five senses! :) Let's not get ahead of ourselves and forget about the FOOD! Yum, who doesn't love stuffing, mashed potatoes, and ham! I think I am fully ready for Christmas, even if my pocket's arent! Happy Holiday's!

Fort Hood

It is scary to think that in a few months my cousin Nathan a recent West Point graduate, yes I said West Point :) will be stationed at Fort Hood. Something a few weeks ago I would have been fine with just one more stop to save him from going over seas. Now it is just one stop closer that scares me. I'm sure you all have heard about the massive killings at Fort Hood. If you’re not heres what happened,
"According to the Indian Express on Friday the 13 they reported that US Army psychiatrist Major Nidal Hasan, accused of killing 13 people in a shooting rampage at a military base, was charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder, that may attract death penalty. Hasan, 39, is suspected of killing 13 of his comrades and injuring 38 others on November 5, when he went on a shooting spree at a military processing center at the Army base in Fort Hood, Texas. He has been charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder, officials said. Hasan will be tried in the military's court-martial system and prosecutors are likely seeking the death penalty."
One father said, the sad part about his son’s death was that "he had been taught and been trained to protect and to fight. Yet it's such a tragedy that he did not have the opportunity to protect himself and the base." It is such a terrifying thought to even imagine that such a tragedy could happen at an army base. How could the government allow this to happen when they knew he had psychological problems to begin with, just like the terror attacks they had been given the prompt that something was going to happen, yet nothing was done to stop it? Just like in this case, so many innocent people died from the negligence of our superiors. I am so saddened by the loss of all these innocent soldiers, after being spared their lives overseas a few weeks ago.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


That one day in which all Party City employees dream to see. November 1st, the final pack up day for all Halloween merchandise! Thank goodness, that hell is finally over! I don't think anyone can understand how ridiculous the crowds are. Waiting in lines, which travel down aisle, after aisle just to reach the register and find out your spending a day’s worth of pay! It is uncalled for the amount of money American's spend on the most senseless things! I must say, I don't really celebrate Halloween so for me, it is very simple to walk past the costume wall and completely ignore every single costume, and price tag! Although, for many it is a time for parties, drinking, chocolate, and fun! The more power to you I always say! I would prefer staying home awaiting the arrival of all the cute little children dressed in such unique costumes, ringing the doorbell in search for their treasures! It truly is an experience for these children, but can also be an expensive one for parents. What I am personally looking forward to is the scrumptious Thanksgiving dinner coming up in a few short weeks! Oh, and not to mention my birthday! Which I share with my sister, and mother! :)


Spanking is such a controversal topic in America today. I am doing a speech on spanking and I am looking on personal opinions and thoughts on anything relating to spanking children. I personally feel that spanking is merely a parents right. Although this is a right, parents should only use it in moderation and not excessively. For it then becomes moreless child abuse! I feel that if they "ban" spanking, it is only taking away the rights that a parent has to raise their children how they deem necessary. I am wondering, if you were spanked as a child, and therefore spanked your children? What is your reasoning behind it. Or, more interesting were you left to sit in the thinking chair instead of spanked and find it more useful to spank your own children instead of going about behavior issues as your parents once did. Just something to think about, feel free to comment!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Driving Destractions

There are many distractions while driving and we are more than likely to be effected by them in one way or another. Whether your guilty of the distraction, or your a victim its still dangerous. At one point in my life I learned my lesson first hand that the distractions we encounter sometimes while driving are serious and banned for logical reasons.

After dropping off my friend Lexi one night, I was driving through her development approaching a stop sign. Excited about my date later on that night with my boyfriend, I grabbed my phone and dialed his number. Accidently, driving through the stop sign. What a terrible mistake because as I looked to my left I noticed a police station. Shortly after the stop sign I saw the lights flashing in my rear view mirror. Apparently, one of the police officers had seen the run through. A lesson learned quickly that distractions are expensive! For now on, I wait to use my cell phone until after turning off the car!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My First Public Library Experience!

Martin Memorial Library

Thinking about the fact that my speech on effective teaching is due in less than a week I felt very overwhelmed because I had barely started and I had so much ahead of me! Unfortunately, I need a lot of credible sources for my speech and I was so lost on where to turn! While thinking about what I could do, I was talking to a friend and she had mentioned going to the Martin Memorial Library to see if they had any books that could help! What a fantastic idea! I went home from work that night and collected by things. I thought it might be a wonderful idea to take my two year old nephew along as well as my ten year old niece. It was absolutely the best idea, they loved the children's section and I recommend anyone with children, giving them the opportunity to freely explore the Martin Library. The librarians were so helpful when I was searching for books I needed. If you haven't been to the Martin Memorial Library yet, I suggest you do. It is such an amazing site to see!

Friday, October 23, 2009

New Moon

The movie New Moon is set to come out in theaters on November 20, 2009. This is very exciting for me because I have been waiting since Twilight came out on video to see it! The timing works out perfectly because my birthday is on the 21 of November. I am hoping that my boyfriend takes a hint and treats me to the movie after dinner! I am almost positive he will, since we share our love for this movie together. :-)
If you don't know a lot about Twilight, Bella, a shy, normal girl, moves to Forks, Washington to live with her dad in order for her mom to have some time alone with her new husband. In her Biology class, she meets Edward, a member of a mysterious family which keeps to itself. Edward hates her at first sight. The next time he sees her, though, he seems perfectly okay and willing to get to know her. Later, he saves her from a car crash... by lifting the car off her. Bella is lured in by Edward's charm and mysteriousness and she discovers that he is a vampire who practices drinking animal blood rather than human in order to save lives. He also has the gift to read minds. However, he cannot read hers for an unknown reason and this makes him interested in her although Edward's natural instinct as a vampire is to kill her. As they fall deeply in love, despite Edward warning Bella that their relationship is dangerous, a group of nomadic vampires comes to visit Edward's family and discovers that Bella is the ideal meal and the perfect hunt because she has vampire friends to protect her and this would provide a 'fun' challenge. Bella selflessly sacrifices herself so that Edward and his family will not be in trouble, however, Edward comes just in time and saves her as James (one of the nomadic vampires who thought that Bella would make the perfect game) swoops down to kill her. However, James's mate, Victoria seeks revenge.
I haven't read any of the books by Stephanie Myer, although I wish I would have. What makes the movies so interesting is, the director says he tries to reinvent Edward a little bit, in order to keep it interesting for himself, so even if you read the book you might be a little suprised to see what happens in the movies!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sunday Night Dinners

So I'm sure no one cares to hear about my sob stories, but lately I've just been feeling the need to vent them out. Everyone in my family seems to be acting out in such a depressive manner, and I felt the need to help. My Grandma used to cook Sunday night dinners every week. It was something I always looked forward to, since our family was so large and close to home it always worked out. Well all my cousins grew up and had kids and moved away because of jobs within the government and such. This was traumatic for me because I didn't want to see them go, and I knew this meant only one thing, less Sunday night dinners. I was right! This past year we've had about 5 dinners in all, which is such a drastic change from having them every weekend. This all ties into to my weekend plans. My father has been going through a rough patch and so I was thinking of something that might cheer him up. Last week he shot a seven point deer and this weekend I'm going to build on his happiness! I am having a Sunday night dinner with spaghetti, meatballs, salad, garlic bread, and best of all dessert! I am so excited to see how this turns out. Please pray that this helps to cheer up my father!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Certification Conference

On Saturday I spent most of my day at Penn State - York Campus's Conference for Early Childhood Educators. Each year at Sunbeam we are required as a Keystone star to complete at least six hours of training. I chose to complete mine all in one day to try and get it out of the way early. I was extremely excited to go there was free food, who doesn't love free food? My first course was about active learning. The instructor presented so many ideas that could be incorporated in many different age groups. His demonstrations were phenomenal. I also took a Kindergarten Readiness course. Even though I work with two year olds I was still curious about some things from previously working with preschoolers. I learned that in the West York Area School District, the principal does not expect incoming students to know how to spell their name, count to 20, as much as she expects them to have a desire to learn. It was interesting to hear that coming from a principle. Note to self: Make sure to encourage excitement for Kindergarten. In this course I also came up with some great ideas of my own to incorporate in the center. Parent involvement was one of the most important things that was brought up to the class, I think this topic is so crucial for classrooms because without communication what would be the point? Note to self: Gather ideas for a section of the room for volunteer opportunities. Last but definitely not least, I took a course on time management. I thought this course would be most useful for me because our classroom is a little crazy. I'm sure you can understand why, there are eleven two year olds running around all day. I found this course to be uplifting for personal reasons but I didn't feel it quite connected to the classroom environment as much as I would have preferred. I was a bit disappointed about that. Although I have some great time tips that I would like to share with everyone.
1.) Group and consolidate activities
2.) Get a good start
3.) Develop routines
4.) Avoid congestion
5.) Take advantage of your mood
6.) Coordinate personal care needs far in advance
7.) Be a "wait watcher"
8.) Think about being early
9.) Double your pleasure
10.) Call ahead
11.) Those bits and pieces add up
12.) Become a speed reader
13.) Eliminate when possible
Something else that could be useful for many of you is creating time management quadrants. Simply categorize your events or responsibilities into four different quadrants. As you finish one activity rearrange your categories to fit your needs at the moment.
1.) Urgent and important
2.) Not urgent, critically important
3.) Urgent, not important
4.) Not urgent, not important
Hope this helps everyone else as much as it's helped me! :-)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Not enough hours in a day!

I began a second job at Sunbeam Education Station at the beginning of August right about the time that I was transitioning into my first semester of college. When I applied for the job I was really excited because my passion is to work with children and watch them reach their many milestones. As the director of the center hired me she informed me that I would be working in the two year old room. I found this to be a little scary, only because I had previously only been exposed to working with the preschool age. As I began my first day I thought it went wonderful, two year olds closely resemble the preschool age although their attention spands are much shorter and they find it harder to understand simple intsruction at times. The only downfall to the job was that I would have to assist them with being potty-trained. Yippy, not! Many children seem to be grasping the idea quickly however some have not. Overall I really enjoy working with these children and thankfully they easily lift my spirits when I'm not so confident. Lately, I've really been pounded with school work and working almost full time at the daycare really doesn't help. My hours are 7am to 6pm Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday's and work at wonderful Party City Saturdays from 8am to 4pm and Sunday's which vary. My main struggle in college is time. I spend many nights up until mid-night working on homework. I am blogging about this for many reasons but one in particular has been on my mind. I wonder whether my fellow classmates feel this same way. I know college is supposed to be stressful and I realize its importance in my future. I just find myself having a hard time adjusting to this new lifestyle. Does anyone have any tips or thoughts about this?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Somehow, lately I've found myself logging into "blogger" more than usual. It's almost as if its become my new addiction. When you think of blogging, you might possibly perfer facebook. "Not I said the fly!" I find this extremely more fun, why you ask? Because I'm not just constantly reading posts that say, "Ugh.. off to work again." Instead, more informative things which is definately more eye catching! I must say this blogging idea was great and I would recommend it for any teacher to use in their class. It keeps me up to date with what is going on in class as well as keeps me from straying away from my homework! Although people are less likely to comment others on here I at least try and "believe" my classmates will read it sometime or well, someday! :) Well thats all for now, just in a mood to ramble about my love for blogging!

Burning Bright

"For everyone nowadays knows, absolutely is certain, that nothing will ever happen to me others die, I go on. There are no consequences and no responsibilities. Except that there are! But let's not talk about them eh? By the time the consequences catch up with you, its too late, isn’t it, Montag?" As the chapter began I started to think that Beatty knew about all the books that Montag had been hiding. My thought was that Beatty was waiting to see if Montag would come clean about them first and if not Beatty would take it upon himself to show Montag the consequences to his actions! I also believed Beatty told Mildred about what was going to happen. Because when they arrived Mildred was already packed and ready to go. She brought the books back inside which then had made me wonder if she called in an alarm on Montag. Later it was interesting to find out that it was Mildred's friends who first called in an alarm. Although since Beatty ignored the women's alarm that’s when Mildred felt it was necessary for her to call in her own alarm, which this time Beatty didn't ignore! As Beatty said the words "me" and "I" in his quote it seemed coincidental that he was actually the one who found it to be uncertain that he would go on forever.

I thought it to be attention-grabbing that Beatty wanted Montag to burn his own home and clean up the mess he had made. The turning point in the chapter was when Beatty said "Montag, don't face a problem, burn it." Because once Beatty caused a problem for Montag that’s exactly what he did.

Montag's view of fire suddenly changed during the point when he's running from the police. He continued walking along the railroad as he saw fire, but this fire didn't look like the fire to burn things but merely for warming. As he approached the fire he met a group of men who offered him some coffee. Later in the chapter Montag learned some very valuable lessons from the group of men.

I think the climax in Fahrenheit 451 is when the city gets bombed because that is when all the loose ends get tied up and it is also the turning point for Montag.Montag is walking through the forest with Granger and the men. Granger had just finished telling Montag about what his grandfather once said, that “everyone leaves something behind when they die,” when all a sudden Guy sees the bomb in the sky. The war had begun. The bomb completely destroys the city and leaves nothing, just a pile of rubble and lost lives. At this point he is overcome by the fact that he finally remembers where he met Mildred. Montag suddenly is able to recall what he read from Ecclesiastes and the Revelations.

I found myself with many mixed emotions during the end of the chapter. I was happy for Montag and the men, they would finally be able to start a new life and rebuild what has been destroyed. This is an uplifting moment for Montag although for the innocent and blindsided people who died it was a devastating one. They kept on living their normal lives and had no idea what was even going on, and before they knew it everything was over, gone! They never even had a chance.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Lately while I've been doing my homework on my desktop computer it has really been acting up for me. Fortunately this gives me a reason to buy a new computer that is more "up to date." The only bad part is in the meantime I have a computer that is deleting all my hard work and I have no clue what I'm looking to buy. Somehow everything I find that I might like is not what I'm looking for price wise. I really need some valuable help! If anyone has any tips on picking out laptops, I would really appreciate to hear from you!

:( ...Help!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I'm sure many of you are aware that HACC has an unlimited amount of resources. One in particular I find extremely helpful and available when I need it is Smarthinking! It is a online tutor available 24 hours 7 days a week for math, science, business, writing and the list goes on. I find it very helpful when completing assignments in English because they help to point me in the right direction. The best part about the website is you can submit your essays to the online writing lab and an "e-structor" will assist you in your mistakes and point out any particular spots that seem unclear. So, if your struggling in anything I definately think you should give this a try!

Just visit, You must first start by entering the username: haccfall09tutor and the password: hacconline then you just set up your own account. Simple as pie!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Sieve and the Sand

As I began reading the Sieve and the Sand I became worried that this chapter of the book might not end well. Page 72 reads, “Under the doorsill, a slow, probing sniff, and exhalation of electric steam.” The mechanical hound had discovered their secret.

Continuing through the book I found it interesting how Bradbury used the phrase, “Fill this sieve and you’ll get a dime!” It seems that he feels if you read fast and read it all, maybe some of the knowledge will stick within you. He uses the word “dime” to symbolize the information, ideas or knowledge gained from the books and “sieve” is used to symbolize the mind.

Later, while Guy Montag tries reading over Millie’s laughter he finds that he doesn’t understand what he’s reading. Montag thinks back to a time when he met an old friend named Faber and then goes to visit him in hopes that he is able to teach him the meaning to what he reads. While visiting, Faber shows Montag a small green metal object that reminded him of a seashell radio. Faber and Montag would end up using this for their own good against Captain Beatty.

As the firemen sat playing poker Montag handed his book to Captain Beatty. Guy felt the guilt of his hands. Faber listened in on their conversation and assisted Montag in the conversation. A little later the siren’s had sounded. Beatty was slow to move, he classified it as a “special case” almost as if he was aware of the house they were going to.
When they arrived at the house Beatty was fixated on Guy’s face. Guy was stunned that they had arrived at his front door.

Reading through this chapter of the book really held my attention; I am looking forward to seeing what happens in the beginning of the next chapter. I am wondering if they really will burn Montag’s house or if Beatty is trying to teach him a lesson.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Concrete and Abstract Thinking

In psychology were learning about human development. While the instructor talked about the different stages of Piaget she went over a new stage in the theory that I had became oblivious to while working with preschoolers. The concrete operational stage, deals with six to evelen year olds and explains how they develop the ability to think concrete and abstractly. Concrete terms usually remain the same significance to an adolescent as well as a fully developed adult. For example, puppy, spoon, and chair are all concrete terms. Abstract ideas are fairly common and recognizable. Abstract thinking however, can be difficult because it is hard to understand the terms. Some examples of abstract terms are love, freedom, and success. While talking to a teacher about this topic I was informed of a time when she interacted with a child while they were developing the concept of abstract thinking.
While the story “Caps for sale” was read to a four year old she replied in a serious tone, “I think this is a story about bad monkeys. They stole the hats!” Meredith is beginning to develop the skills to think abstractly. By using a serious tone she is already connecting the idea to her feelings. To continue Meredith’s abstract thinking, the teacher asked her questions about the feelings of the characters in the story.
I ended up doing some extra research on this topic and when I gave a survey to many children at the daycare and asked what they believed the word love and success meant. The six to eight year olds responded by saying, "Love is when Grandpa gives me a chocolate bar." Many also said, "Love is when you like or love someone." When I asked them what success meant to them they also replied, "When I'm really good at art." Clearly they haven't developed the skills to think abstractly. Most children will later develop this skill around age eleven.

Monday, September 21, 2009

F451 Class Discussion

Wow! Today's class discussion taught me so much that had not crossed my mind while reading! Unfortunately, I find myself having a tough time comprehending what I read. This sometimes causes problems when trying to think abstractly or analyze books. Although, I didn't speak during the discussion I found myself amazed by all the things everyone else had seemed to pick up on so well. Looking back at the story, made me realize how futuristic his writing was in different points. Many of my questions about the story were answered although I still question what really happened to Clarisse. The possibilities are endless yet as I began to contemplating them I thought about Mildred and how she explained to Guy that she likes to drive fast when she gets emotional. Is possible that Mildred had been driving too fast and may have hit her, or possibly the thought my classmates had about the mechanical hound or someone who was targeting her specifically? At any rate, I think everyone brought up great points and when I begin the next section of the book I'll make sure I try to clearly analyze everything. Happy reading everyone!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Fried Green Tomatoes

My boyfriend and I have been dating for a little over a year and a half now. Every Friday night is considered "movie night." Tonight we watched Fried Green Tomatoes and if you haven't seen this movie I would most definitely recommend you to watch it. The movie is a story within a story about an older woman in a retirement home who tells her young life story to a woman named Evelyn who comes to visit her every day. As the elderly woman tells her story throughout the movie the two women become very close friends.

The old woman tells a story of two young girls Ruth and Iggy. When Iggy was younger her brother was very much in love with Ruth. Iggy's brother had died after being struck by a train. He had been trying to fetch Ruth's hat when he got his foot stuck in the railroad track. This was devastating because both Ruth and Iggy watched his death. Iggy later becomes a complete rebel towards her family, and Ruth comes to try and assist Iggy to make better choices. Oddly Iggy and Ruth become best friends and Ruth ends up turning slightly rebellious herself. Ruth later gets married to an abusive husband and when she finds out she’s pregnant runs away with Iggy. Ruth's husband finds out about the child and harasses Ruth until he is later killed. Many thought Iggy was the murderer however, she is not. The judge dismisses the case as an accidental death after finding his truck in the river a few years after his death proved no evidence of a murder. When Ruth's son was about 8 years old she is diagnosed with cancer and passed away. Iggy was devastated by this and claims responsibility for Ruth's son. Later they find out who really killed Ruth's husband. (Which I won't give away!)

While the older woman explains the story the two grow very close. On the day that the Evelyn decides to ask the elderly lady to come and stay with her she walks into the room to find a big surprise. A nurse was taking down all of the elderly woman’s wall decorations. She burst out with tears and feels at a complete loss. Fortunately, one of the nurses came in and brought to Evelyn’s attention that she had not died but the elderly woman’s friend had passed away. I completely broke down at this moment because I was a Certified Nurse’s Assistant at one time. I worked with Rest Haven and I know what it's like for these poor individuals. My heart went out for the elderly lady as the nurse was just ripping her pictures off the wall, photo's being torn in half. No one deserves to be treated like that! First of all, most residents have either been forced to or given up their entire homes and moved into a room half the size of their own bedroom. These people barely get visitors and feel so deprived. They dream of how their life used to be and wish every day that it could be the same. I've had many residents tell me about how they would soon be leaving to go back "home" and promise that they will come back to visit me. Sadly, two of my patients pasted away in the past week which I am very saddened about. I won't give away the end of the movie because throughout the movie you will ask many questions and I don't want them to be answered by me.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fahrenheit 451 The Hearth and the Salamander

As I began reading Fahrenheit 451 I was almost in a mind of confusion. There was an extensive amount of imagery and I found myself having a hard time grasping all the information at once. While I kept reading, it became much easier to comprehend.

I was fascinated by the futuristic world in which the story is told. I found the robot dog to be fine example describing this futuristic setting. The story is about a man name Montag who is a fireman although, not the type of fireman you are thinking of. They were not used to put out fires but instead they burned books because they were against the law. One of the scenes where the book burning occurs made me feel slightly disturbed. The decision the firemen made to still burn the books in the house, while the elderly woman was still inside, completely shocked me. It made me wonder why these books were against the law, and what made the issue so demanding.
When Montag took one of the books and hid it behind his pillow it gave me an uneasy feeling because he knew the consequences to this action.

One day, Montag began interacting with a girl who had lived across the street. This girl was a curious seventeen year old, name Clarisse. She always asked so many questions and began to make Montag think about things that may have never crossed his mind before. He soon began to realize that the relationship he had with his wife wasn’t much of a relationship at all. Montag’s wife, Mildred also known as “Millie” informs Montag that Clarisse's family moved away after Clarisse had passed away. Mildred claims that she was apparently killed after being hit by a car. Montag fails to believe his wife and is curious to know what really happened.

As I was reading I began to wonder what exactly the book is banned for. Although I know to some the use of God's name in vein can clearly be offensive. I personally can't seem to understand why anyone would want ban this book from being read. I quickly became attached to the book and found myself disappointed when I had to put it down.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kanye's VMA Rant

I watched in astonishment, when Kanye took the microphone from Taylor Swifts hands during her acceptance speech at the 2009 video music awards. He interrupted Taylor Swift by saying, "I'm sorry, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time." Beyonce looked stunned from the crowd. When Beyonce was later invited up on stage, when she was she invited Taylor Swift to the stage to give her a chance to have her moment. Kayne’s actions brought many people a feeling of disqust. I feel his actions were unacceptable and very distasteful. Unfortunately, Kayne seems to be creating a history of rants made throughout the years relating to award shows. Personally I believe what Kanye did to Taylor was a disgrace to the entire music community. The fact that he got up on stage against Taylor clearly shows how his jealousy shines. I feel that although everyone is entitled to their own opinion, Kanye should have kept his to himself.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Deliah's Escape

I speak for myself but I’m sure most people will agree that snakes just aren’t pleasant reptiles to be in contact with. Therefore, I am definitely opposed to having one as a pet. As I was looking through the news on AOL I came upon an article about a 16 year old, 18 foot long, 400-pound python named Deliah, that was seized from a Florida home. Apparently the python had escaped the owner after being removed from its unsuitable chain-link cage shortly after eating seven rabbits for breakfast. It sends chills down my spine just viewing photos of reptiles and to imagine how anyone could have a pet python that large seems wild. I believe that everyone who is granted with an opportunity to own a python or any type of reptile should have a restricted limit of size. If it would exceed the limit, they could still own it but they should be required to keep in a confined place suitable for the animals needs.

Friday, September 11, 2009

A day of rememberence

We shall never forget,
We shall keep this day,
We shall keep the events and the tears
In our minds, our memory
and our hearts and take
them with us as we carry on.

As we commemorate the eighth anniversary of September 11 we remember those who lost their lives in this tragic event. Eight years ago, on an ordinary Tuesday morning, nearly 3,000 lives were lost in the deadliest attack on American soil in our history. I can remember back to when I was in 5th grade. Our teacher suddenly stopped class and turned on the television as we watched the news broadcast about this shocking moment. We soon learned that this was a planned hijacking, and I remember hearing President George Bush declaring war upon Al-Qaeda and the United States of America. It’s been about five years since we have been at war with the Middle East. As my heart goes out to each and every family across America dealing with the loss of a family member, I pray for the families who are currently watching their loved ones head off to war. This subject hits close to home for me because my cousin recently graduated from West Point Military Academy and could almost immediately be deployed. I never imagined that within my family I would ever encounter this feeling. I respect each and every soldier fighting for this country because without them, life would not be worth living.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Writing from the darkness

While reading through the passage I became very sympathetic to the authors emotions. I enjoyed reading the passage because she clearly explained in vivid detail her experiences with writing. It was captivating to see this passage through the author’s eyes. I feel that the author explained her feelings better than I believe I could ever express mine in my own writing.

As her grandfather once said, “There is light in darkness, you just have to find it.” I feel that she personally found writing was the light to her darkness. It was merely her way out instead of choosing death. I think everyone has their own way of dealing with tough times. I was never into writing or reading as a teenager because I just never understood its importance. My outlet was twirling and dancing. I found peace within it. I could be having an awful day and therefore I would just go outside and twirl away all my anger and frustrations. Just like writing poetry was the author's way to release and move beyond the pain she felt. Unlike the author, I never went through any comparable pain however, in a similar way we were able to find the light within ourselves.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Teacher is accused of selling grades for cash

A 35 year old social studies teacher has been charged with accepting cash from students looking to improve their grades. She collected more than $1,400 from the high school students throughout the past school year. The students claimed that the teacher told students she would give them extra credit and that the money would be used for chariety. But they said she kept the money for herself. She was charged with 3rd degree theft by deception. Monday she was released on her own recognizance. She is no longer employed with the district.

As an education major I find this article to be completely repulsive. This "teacher" clearly has no compassion for the discipline that students need. First of all, I feel that students who don't put forth the effort shouldn't be given a chance to earn extra credit. The fact that she offered it for money is absolutely distasteful. I highly doubt any student who was doing well in the class would ever fork over money for "extra credit", at least I wouldn't!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"What Should Colleges Teach?" Stanley Fish

In response to Stanley Fish’s “What should colleges teach?” I found myself to be in agreement with him. I feel that everyone should be exposed to correct writing, because that’s the way most people learn. For example, I will use my own experience. When I was younger I always struggled with writing and reading. I wasn’t very motivated to crack open a book in my spare time or journal because reading and writing just weren’t my strong points. As I grew older I found myself in classes with papers to write and I had not idea how to even start. This lack of motivation was quite a challenge for me throughout junior and senior high school.

I almost have to place the blame on the teachers. Throughout my school years the teachers had seemed to baby the students far too much. They basically told us what to write and made the corrections on our papers before it was time to hand them in for a grade. It nearly seems as if they didn’t want us to feel overwhelmed. Instead of helping us learn to develop correct writing skills, they were hurting our futures by doing the work for us. Thankfully, I have had a few people in my life who really pushed me to do my very best when writing and I find it easier now than ever to gather my idea’s together and put them out on paper.

Friday, August 28, 2009

What is good writing

What is good writing

For some, writing can come easy and for others writing can unfortunately be difficult. Many wonder, “What makes good writing?” Personally I feel that writing is well written when the author wants and believes he or she can write well. Good writing also has a defined purpose which makes a clear point. It is important that when defining a purpose the author uses descriptive detail and conveys detailed imagery. The passage must be organized and flow with good structure. Writing can easily be written well by using a wide variety of vocabulary. Writing that is well written must be focused on one topic and maintain the topic throughout the passage. It is crucial that writing appeals to the reader. By simply starting a passage off with an interesting question, fact or statement it is simple to persuade a reader that the writing is written well. One easy way to create good writing is by brainstorming your thoughts. Although a passage can start off well it can be considered bad writing if a reader finds numerous punctuation, grammar and, unorganized thoughts. At first the writing may seem unorganized and unstructured however; good writing is bad writing revised.

What isn't good writing

Poor quality writing can usually be improved. Poor writing seems to have no focus and can scramble back and forth from thought to thought. It is important that writing is written while remembering the feelings of the audience and the purpose of the passage. The structure and flow of the passage is important in keeping the reader’s attention. When ignoring the reader the quality of the writing lessens. Poor quality writing has no detail, and the information is unrelated and doesn’t support the point of the passage. Poor writing might also include punctuation and spelling mistakes which can confuse the reader. A reader can become bored and confused by repetitive language and puzzling vocabulary. A readers mind can also be lead off track by using too many unnecessary words. Creativity is important for good writing. By closing the door to creativity in a passage it could be considered poor quality writing.