Friday, November 27, 2009

My First Venture on Black Friday!

Black Friday is one of the busiest shopping days of the year. I am proud to say I had my first midnight madness experience, and I am finally cured of that. At around six o'clock Thanksgiving night my boyfriend's sister, Jen begged her mom and I to go along with her to "Toys R Us" at midnight when they opened. She said they were advertising special door busters online that barely anyone knew about. Well, when we arrived the line went all the way across the building down past the abandoned circuit city and around the complex. The line was ridiculous to say the least. Well, after driving over 45 minutes to get there, we weren't just going to turn back now. Once we got in line it was about 11:30 and we stood in the freezing cold wind and rain for a half an hour before the store even opened. When they finally unlocked the doors, the line moved pretty quickly into the building. There was almost a riot at the door because people tried forming a second line on the opposite side and claiming that they were there long before everyone else. Once we started shopping I was beginning to feel very overwhelmed. We were pushing huge boxes around trying to weave through the aisles thinking about what we were going to buy. Leave it to us, not to make a list on black Friday. When we were all finished shopping we ventured off in search of the checkout line. Who would of known the line was from the front of the building weaving through each aisle all the way to the back of the building and then as if that wasn’t enough it went from the back of the store to the other end and back. We ended up waiting three hours in line. Black Friday is definitely not something I think is worth all the trouble. Honestly, "Toys R Us" barely had any good sales. Now come on, if you are going to open at midnight, at least have something worth my while for us spending three hours in line for. I didn't end up buying a thing, but my boyfriend's mother and sister ended up spending over 350 dollars all together. After going through the checkout and out the door to fill the car with all of our goodies, it wasn't until 4:00 that we were finally finished. Over four and a half hours spent at "Toys R Us" on black Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha, glad to know that i'm not the only crazy person. I went out too, it's crazy.
