Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thank You For Smoking

Thank You For Smoking was a very humorous and intriguing film. The movie was not just about the way Washington works but it also exposes the reality about friends, parenting, work, tough choices, paying the mortgage, and of course, freedom! I felt that the main character Nick Naylor really proved that it is simple to prove a point if you simply leave the opposing viewers thinking. I enjoyed the movie because there were many instances when any view point he presented was defendable, and he paid close attention to how he went about presenting it. Nick used just the right tactics, regardless of truth or ethics. Nick Naylor also used many thoughtful half-truths to expose the truth about cigarettes. I thought it was hilarious that he exposed himself to the women whom he thought he could trust! Just shows that when people need to pay the mortgage they don't mess around. ;) I would definitely recommend anyone to watch this film, it really tries to convince the simple minded that if they go beyond what is right in front of them they can accomplish anything. I think this film was a wonderful representation of what Professor Charlton expects from us in our classical arguments. This should be a challenge!

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