Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fort Hood

It is scary to think that in a few months my cousin Nathan a recent West Point graduate, yes I said West Point :) will be stationed at Fort Hood. Something a few weeks ago I would have been fine with just one more stop to save him from going over seas. Now it is just one stop closer that scares me. I'm sure you all have heard about the massive killings at Fort Hood. If you’re not heres what happened,
"According to the Indian Express on Friday the 13 they reported that US Army psychiatrist Major Nidal Hasan, accused of killing 13 people in a shooting rampage at a military base, was charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder, that may attract death penalty. Hasan, 39, is suspected of killing 13 of his comrades and injuring 38 others on November 5, when he went on a shooting spree at a military processing center at the Army base in Fort Hood, Texas. He has been charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder, officials said. Hasan will be tried in the military's court-martial system and prosecutors are likely seeking the death penalty."
One father said, the sad part about his son’s death was that "he had been taught and been trained to protect and to fight. Yet it's such a tragedy that he did not have the opportunity to protect himself and the base." It is such a terrifying thought to even imagine that such a tragedy could happen at an army base. How could the government allow this to happen when they knew he had psychological problems to begin with, just like the terror attacks they had been given the prompt that something was going to happen, yet nothing was done to stop it? Just like in this case, so many innocent people died from the negligence of our superiors. I am so saddened by the loss of all these innocent soldiers, after being spared their lives overseas a few weeks ago.

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