Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Okay, so it's time for my daily rant! I am completely irritated hearing people complain about how tired they are with all the class work the past few weeks. Today, I went to psychology and although it is an eight o'clock class that doesn't mean it gives anyone the right to distract others over their worthless complaints. A few girls were aggravated that my professor still had class. They were upset that they had to attend class in order to get their one point for attendance. Honestly, if you are going to brag about how you told your boyfriend that you weren't going to attend any of your classes today then why are you even in college. College is for people who actually care about creating a future worth living. If you are going to be a slacker and complain because you actually receive points for just showing up to class, then why bother even coming if that one point isn't worth anything to you. Seriously, I am the most overwhelmed student sometimes but I never complain about my obligations. I paid for college, I paid to do well, and I'm going to succeed. Just please keep in mind, the next time you consider complaining about your life look around and check to see if ANYONE CARES! :) Have a happy turkey day everyone!

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