Saturday, November 14, 2009

Christmas...Equals Broke!

Christmas time to me is one of the best times of the year! Not because of the gifts that I can't afford to buy, but because my family actually takes the time to get together. It is so comforting to know that Christmas is coming and I'll be able to spend a few day's just having the time of my life with the ones I love. My boyfriends grandparents also come up from Florida during this time, and to see them makes me SO happy! I don't have a grandpa that is living, I never have, and never will. His grandpa acts as my "step in" grandfather and this comforts me so much! I never knew what it felt like to have a grandfather until a few years ago and the feeling I get is undescribeable. Plus, during Christmas everyone decorates! Yay, this is my FAVORITE thing to do! Who doesn't like the smell of a freshly cut Christmas tree or the scent of a warm lit fireplace, and christmas cookies in the oven. Something I'll be thankful for this Thanksgiving, my five senses! :) Let's not get ahead of ourselves and forget about the FOOD! Yum, who doesn't love stuffing, mashed potatoes, and ham! I think I am fully ready for Christmas, even if my pocket's arent! Happy Holiday's!

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