Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Somehow, lately I've found myself logging into "blogger" more than usual. It's almost as if its become my new addiction. When you think of blogging, you might possibly perfer facebook. "Not I said the fly!" I find this extremely more fun, why you ask? Because I'm not just constantly reading posts that say, "Ugh.. off to work again." Instead, more informative things which is definately more eye catching! I must say this blogging idea was great and I would recommend it for any teacher to use in their class. It keeps me up to date with what is going on in class as well as keeps me from straying away from my homework! Although people are less likely to comment others on here I at least try and "believe" my classmates will read it sometime or well, someday! :) Well thats all for now, just in a mood to ramble about my love for blogging!


  1. I wish blogger had a "like" button though because sometimes you just want to say that you liked the post, lol.
