Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"What Should Colleges Teach?" Stanley Fish

In response to Stanley Fish’s “What should colleges teach?” I found myself to be in agreement with him. I feel that everyone should be exposed to correct writing, because that’s the way most people learn. For example, I will use my own experience. When I was younger I always struggled with writing and reading. I wasn’t very motivated to crack open a book in my spare time or journal because reading and writing just weren’t my strong points. As I grew older I found myself in classes with papers to write and I had not idea how to even start. This lack of motivation was quite a challenge for me throughout junior and senior high school.

I almost have to place the blame on the teachers. Throughout my school years the teachers had seemed to baby the students far too much. They basically told us what to write and made the corrections on our papers before it was time to hand them in for a grade. It nearly seems as if they didn’t want us to feel overwhelmed. Instead of helping us learn to develop correct writing skills, they were hurting our futures by doing the work for us. Thankfully, I have had a few people in my life who really pushed me to do my very best when writing and I find it easier now than ever to gather my idea’s together and put them out on paper.

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