Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Teacher is accused of selling grades for cash

A 35 year old social studies teacher has been charged with accepting cash from students looking to improve their grades. She collected more than $1,400 from the high school students throughout the past school year. The students claimed that the teacher told students she would give them extra credit and that the money would be used for chariety. But they said she kept the money for herself. She was charged with 3rd degree theft by deception. Monday she was released on her own recognizance. She is no longer employed with the district.

As an education major I find this article to be completely repulsive. This "teacher" clearly has no compassion for the discipline that students need. First of all, I feel that students who don't put forth the effort shouldn't be given a chance to earn extra credit. The fact that she offered it for money is absolutely distasteful. I highly doubt any student who was doing well in the class would ever fork over money for "extra credit", at least I wouldn't!

1 comment:

  1. That is crazy! I wonder if part of this countries issue with education is that we need to be able to quantify learning by methods such as tests and grades. I know that it's a catch 22, and I don't have a solution, but I wonder if kids would feel the need to pay for grades if the real goal of education was learning.
