Friday, October 9, 2009

Not enough hours in a day!

I began a second job at Sunbeam Education Station at the beginning of August right about the time that I was transitioning into my first semester of college. When I applied for the job I was really excited because my passion is to work with children and watch them reach their many milestones. As the director of the center hired me she informed me that I would be working in the two year old room. I found this to be a little scary, only because I had previously only been exposed to working with the preschool age. As I began my first day I thought it went wonderful, two year olds closely resemble the preschool age although their attention spands are much shorter and they find it harder to understand simple intsruction at times. The only downfall to the job was that I would have to assist them with being potty-trained. Yippy, not! Many children seem to be grasping the idea quickly however some have not. Overall I really enjoy working with these children and thankfully they easily lift my spirits when I'm not so confident. Lately, I've really been pounded with school work and working almost full time at the daycare really doesn't help. My hours are 7am to 6pm Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday's and work at wonderful Party City Saturdays from 8am to 4pm and Sunday's which vary. My main struggle in college is time. I spend many nights up until mid-night working on homework. I am blogging about this for many reasons but one in particular has been on my mind. I wonder whether my fellow classmates feel this same way. I know college is supposed to be stressful and I realize its importance in my future. I just find myself having a hard time adjusting to this new lifestyle. Does anyone have any tips or thoughts about this?

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