Monday, September 21, 2009

F451 Class Discussion

Wow! Today's class discussion taught me so much that had not crossed my mind while reading! Unfortunately, I find myself having a tough time comprehending what I read. This sometimes causes problems when trying to think abstractly or analyze books. Although, I didn't speak during the discussion I found myself amazed by all the things everyone else had seemed to pick up on so well. Looking back at the story, made me realize how futuristic his writing was in different points. Many of my questions about the story were answered although I still question what really happened to Clarisse. The possibilities are endless yet as I began to contemplating them I thought about Mildred and how she explained to Guy that she likes to drive fast when she gets emotional. Is possible that Mildred had been driving too fast and may have hit her, or possibly the thought my classmates had about the mechanical hound or someone who was targeting her specifically? At any rate, I think everyone brought up great points and when I begin the next section of the book I'll make sure I try to clearly analyze everything. Happy reading everyone!

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