Friday, October 23, 2009

New Moon

The movie New Moon is set to come out in theaters on November 20, 2009. This is very exciting for me because I have been waiting since Twilight came out on video to see it! The timing works out perfectly because my birthday is on the 21 of November. I am hoping that my boyfriend takes a hint and treats me to the movie after dinner! I am almost positive he will, since we share our love for this movie together. :-)
If you don't know a lot about Twilight, Bella, a shy, normal girl, moves to Forks, Washington to live with her dad in order for her mom to have some time alone with her new husband. In her Biology class, she meets Edward, a member of a mysterious family which keeps to itself. Edward hates her at first sight. The next time he sees her, though, he seems perfectly okay and willing to get to know her. Later, he saves her from a car crash... by lifting the car off her. Bella is lured in by Edward's charm and mysteriousness and she discovers that he is a vampire who practices drinking animal blood rather than human in order to save lives. He also has the gift to read minds. However, he cannot read hers for an unknown reason and this makes him interested in her although Edward's natural instinct as a vampire is to kill her. As they fall deeply in love, despite Edward warning Bella that their relationship is dangerous, a group of nomadic vampires comes to visit Edward's family and discovers that Bella is the ideal meal and the perfect hunt because she has vampire friends to protect her and this would provide a 'fun' challenge. Bella selflessly sacrifices herself so that Edward and his family will not be in trouble, however, Edward comes just in time and saves her as James (one of the nomadic vampires who thought that Bella would make the perfect game) swoops down to kill her. However, James's mate, Victoria seeks revenge.
I haven't read any of the books by Stephanie Myer, although I wish I would have. What makes the movies so interesting is, the director says he tries to reinvent Edward a little bit, in order to keep it interesting for himself, so even if you read the book you might be a little suprised to see what happens in the movies!

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