Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Spanking is such a controversal topic in America today. I am doing a speech on spanking and I am looking on personal opinions and thoughts on anything relating to spanking children. I personally feel that spanking is merely a parents right. Although this is a right, parents should only use it in moderation and not excessively. For it then becomes moreless child abuse! I feel that if they "ban" spanking, it is only taking away the rights that a parent has to raise their children how they deem necessary. I am wondering, if you were spanked as a child, and therefore spanked your children? What is your reasoning behind it. Or, more interesting were you left to sit in the thinking chair instead of spanked and find it more useful to spank your own children instead of going about behavior issues as your parents once did. Just something to think about, feel free to comment!!!

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