Friday, November 27, 2009

My First Venture on Black Friday!

Black Friday is one of the busiest shopping days of the year. I am proud to say I had my first midnight madness experience, and I am finally cured of that. At around six o'clock Thanksgiving night my boyfriend's sister, Jen begged her mom and I to go along with her to "Toys R Us" at midnight when they opened. She said they were advertising special door busters online that barely anyone knew about. Well, when we arrived the line went all the way across the building down past the abandoned circuit city and around the complex. The line was ridiculous to say the least. Well, after driving over 45 minutes to get there, we weren't just going to turn back now. Once we got in line it was about 11:30 and we stood in the freezing cold wind and rain for a half an hour before the store even opened. When they finally unlocked the doors, the line moved pretty quickly into the building. There was almost a riot at the door because people tried forming a second line on the opposite side and claiming that they were there long before everyone else. Once we started shopping I was beginning to feel very overwhelmed. We were pushing huge boxes around trying to weave through the aisles thinking about what we were going to buy. Leave it to us, not to make a list on black Friday. When we were all finished shopping we ventured off in search of the checkout line. Who would of known the line was from the front of the building weaving through each aisle all the way to the back of the building and then as if that wasn’t enough it went from the back of the store to the other end and back. We ended up waiting three hours in line. Black Friday is definitely not something I think is worth all the trouble. Honestly, "Toys R Us" barely had any good sales. Now come on, if you are going to open at midnight, at least have something worth my while for us spending three hours in line for. I didn't end up buying a thing, but my boyfriend's mother and sister ended up spending over 350 dollars all together. After going through the checkout and out the door to fill the car with all of our goodies, it wasn't until 4:00 that we were finally finished. Over four and a half hours spent at "Toys R Us" on black Friday.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Okay, so it's time for my daily rant! I am completely irritated hearing people complain about how tired they are with all the class work the past few weeks. Today, I went to psychology and although it is an eight o'clock class that doesn't mean it gives anyone the right to distract others over their worthless complaints. A few girls were aggravated that my professor still had class. They were upset that they had to attend class in order to get their one point for attendance. Honestly, if you are going to brag about how you told your boyfriend that you weren't going to attend any of your classes today then why are you even in college. College is for people who actually care about creating a future worth living. If you are going to be a slacker and complain because you actually receive points for just showing up to class, then why bother even coming if that one point isn't worth anything to you. Seriously, I am the most overwhelmed student sometimes but I never complain about my obligations. I paid for college, I paid to do well, and I'm going to succeed. Just please keep in mind, the next time you consider complaining about your life look around and check to see if ANYONE CARES! :) Have a happy turkey day everyone!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me!!!!!

Well to say the least I couldn't have had a better birthday! To start out I ended up baking four dozen batches of cup cakes for the daycare center and I was up until midnight on Thursday putting the final touches on them. Friday was to be the start of my birthday weekend, I worked at the center until 3:00, but I stayed a little later to enjoy the cup cakes with my little two year olds. :-) Later that night my boyfriend and I went out to my favorite restaurant Texas Road House! Yum, Yum! After that we did a little Christmas shopping and then went back to his house to watch a movie. The next day it was MY BIRTHDAY! I got up early to try and work on some homework and then went to Party City to visit my best friend, LaTicia. We ate some lunch together during her break which I really enjoyed because it has been a while since I've seen her. I came home around noon and my boyfriend came over. We went to Lancaster that evening with my parents, my sister, and her husband. Did I forget to mention that I share a birthday with my mother and sister? Yes, it's true! So we all went over to Shady Maple, yum, yum! After which my boyfriend and I went to Park City to window shop. Well we ended up window shopping in all the jewelry stores! :-) He ended up getting me a birthday ring which I was super surprised about! After going home and grabbing some clothes to spend the night we stopped at Giant to pick up an ice cream cake. It's not a birthday without ice cream cake!! After blowing out my candles and making my 19th wish, we ate while watching The Notebook with his parents. What a wonderful birthday weekend! :-)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thank You For Smoking

Thank You For Smoking was a very humorous and intriguing film. The movie was not just about the way Washington works but it also exposes the reality about friends, parenting, work, tough choices, paying the mortgage, and of course, freedom! I felt that the main character Nick Naylor really proved that it is simple to prove a point if you simply leave the opposing viewers thinking. I enjoyed the movie because there were many instances when any view point he presented was defendable, and he paid close attention to how he went about presenting it. Nick used just the right tactics, regardless of truth or ethics. Nick Naylor also used many thoughtful half-truths to expose the truth about cigarettes. I thought it was hilarious that he exposed himself to the women whom he thought he could trust! Just shows that when people need to pay the mortgage they don't mess around. ;) I would definitely recommend anyone to watch this film, it really tries to convince the simple minded that if they go beyond what is right in front of them they can accomplish anything. I think this film was a wonderful representation of what Professor Charlton expects from us in our classical arguments. This should be a challenge!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Christmas...Equals Broke!

Christmas time to me is one of the best times of the year! Not because of the gifts that I can't afford to buy, but because my family actually takes the time to get together. It is so comforting to know that Christmas is coming and I'll be able to spend a few day's just having the time of my life with the ones I love. My boyfriends grandparents also come up from Florida during this time, and to see them makes me SO happy! I don't have a grandpa that is living, I never have, and never will. His grandpa acts as my "step in" grandfather and this comforts me so much! I never knew what it felt like to have a grandfather until a few years ago and the feeling I get is undescribeable. Plus, during Christmas everyone decorates! Yay, this is my FAVORITE thing to do! Who doesn't like the smell of a freshly cut Christmas tree or the scent of a warm lit fireplace, and christmas cookies in the oven. Something I'll be thankful for this Thanksgiving, my five senses! :) Let's not get ahead of ourselves and forget about the FOOD! Yum, who doesn't love stuffing, mashed potatoes, and ham! I think I am fully ready for Christmas, even if my pocket's arent! Happy Holiday's!

Fort Hood

It is scary to think that in a few months my cousin Nathan a recent West Point graduate, yes I said West Point :) will be stationed at Fort Hood. Something a few weeks ago I would have been fine with just one more stop to save him from going over seas. Now it is just one stop closer that scares me. I'm sure you all have heard about the massive killings at Fort Hood. If you’re not heres what happened,
"According to the Indian Express on Friday the 13 they reported that US Army psychiatrist Major Nidal Hasan, accused of killing 13 people in a shooting rampage at a military base, was charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder, that may attract death penalty. Hasan, 39, is suspected of killing 13 of his comrades and injuring 38 others on November 5, when he went on a shooting spree at a military processing center at the Army base in Fort Hood, Texas. He has been charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder, officials said. Hasan will be tried in the military's court-martial system and prosecutors are likely seeking the death penalty."
One father said, the sad part about his son’s death was that "he had been taught and been trained to protect and to fight. Yet it's such a tragedy that he did not have the opportunity to protect himself and the base." It is such a terrifying thought to even imagine that such a tragedy could happen at an army base. How could the government allow this to happen when they knew he had psychological problems to begin with, just like the terror attacks they had been given the prompt that something was going to happen, yet nothing was done to stop it? Just like in this case, so many innocent people died from the negligence of our superiors. I am so saddened by the loss of all these innocent soldiers, after being spared their lives overseas a few weeks ago.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


That one day in which all Party City employees dream to see. November 1st, the final pack up day for all Halloween merchandise! Thank goodness, that hell is finally over! I don't think anyone can understand how ridiculous the crowds are. Waiting in lines, which travel down aisle, after aisle just to reach the register and find out your spending a day’s worth of pay! It is uncalled for the amount of money American's spend on the most senseless things! I must say, I don't really celebrate Halloween so for me, it is very simple to walk past the costume wall and completely ignore every single costume, and price tag! Although, for many it is a time for parties, drinking, chocolate, and fun! The more power to you I always say! I would prefer staying home awaiting the arrival of all the cute little children dressed in such unique costumes, ringing the doorbell in search for their treasures! It truly is an experience for these children, but can also be an expensive one for parents. What I am personally looking forward to is the scrumptious Thanksgiving dinner coming up in a few short weeks! Oh, and not to mention my birthday! Which I share with my sister, and mother! :)


Spanking is such a controversal topic in America today. I am doing a speech on spanking and I am looking on personal opinions and thoughts on anything relating to spanking children. I personally feel that spanking is merely a parents right. Although this is a right, parents should only use it in moderation and not excessively. For it then becomes moreless child abuse! I feel that if they "ban" spanking, it is only taking away the rights that a parent has to raise their children how they deem necessary. I am wondering, if you were spanked as a child, and therefore spanked your children? What is your reasoning behind it. Or, more interesting were you left to sit in the thinking chair instead of spanked and find it more useful to spank your own children instead of going about behavior issues as your parents once did. Just something to think about, feel free to comment!!!