Wednesday, December 9, 2009

English 101

I really enjoyed taking this course with Professor Charlton. I feel that I was able to reflect my true potential. As this was my first semester of college I feel as though I have a great outlook on the next few years. I must admit this course was not easy, but it taught me many valueable lessons that will stick with me as I move on. I just want to thank Professor Charlton as well as all my peers for a wonderful first semester experience. Happy trails! :-)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Siearra Desiree Winslow

As I walked in to sit down on that cold Monday morning, a friend came up and said, have you heard about Siearra is it true? I said to him, that’s impossible there is no way it could have been her. As our teacher began class he closed the door and walked over to his desk to take a seat looking saddened and distraught. He informed us that our classmate Siaerra Winslow had been taken from us the previous night on her way home from work nearly a block away from where she lived. It is thought that a deer may have been the cause of this fatal accident but the real question is why her. I like to believe that God was in need of her beautiful smile and positive attitude. She had done so much for each and everyone that she knew, she couldn’t have been a better friend. She was belonged to so many extracurricular activities, and was truly the most well-rounded, friendliest, and caring person I have ever met. Fortunately, she was a part of our preschool program and she was able to guide so many of our children through their first few months of preschool. However, when the preschoolers were informed of her death they seemed a little uneasy. Thankfully because of her everlasting sunshine down on us she was able to help us through this devastating time whether physically present or not. I remember helping my senior class make T-Shirts in loving memory of her. The T-Shirt’s were sold for 6 dollars and we sold over 500. The money was sent to the family to help with the financial burden. She wrote a very ironic poem the week before in Mrs. Fertenbaugh's English class about a girl floating in a brook - and how she let herself float, and closed her eyes, and floated away. If you search Siearra Desiree Winslow, it's the first thing to come up on google - her poem. (Or at least it used to be, I don’t know if it is anymore.) As a year has gone by I pray that her family is coping well, we all miss her dearly. Siearra, angel continue to let your rays shine down on us, rest in peace. 12/07/08

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas Time!

So, who doesn't like the spirit of Christmas? I enjoy every minute of decorating, shopping, and baking! Yesterday in our classroom at the daycare center we prepared our room for Christmas! We gathered up all the lights to determine which lights of the thousands we had worked. Once this was done, we decided how we wanted to put up the lights. Ahh, bright idea! We decided to put them up in the shape of a CHRISTMAS TREE!!!! :-) It was great at first but soon became a little complicated. Never the less we were able to figure it out, and I must say it looks great! Then my co-worker Tina and I began working on the bulletin board outside of our room. We did this for an hour or two while the children were napping, and found that it seems to be a competition of who's classroom has the best bulletin board (obviously ours!) While she was getting the measurements for the paper, I worked on cutting out paper snowflakes and making paper chains. I am so excited to see how the classroom looks once the preparations are complete. Everything is just so creative and I will have to post pictures on here to show you all how spirited our classroom has been turning out to be!


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! When I woke up I heard my two year old nephew and my nine year old niece saying "SNOW, IT'S SNOWING, IT'S SNOWING!!!" I am so excited for the snow today. The weather is predicting one to three inches in my area and I couldn't be happier. Today I will be driving down to my boyfriend’s house to get together with his family. I think we will be going to Long Wood Gardens, which is going to be such a beautiful sight with snow! :-) All I ask is that the snow does not interfere with my driving! I say that because, my boyfriend lives forty-five minutes away and Long Wood Garden is almost three hours from my boyfriend's house! :-\ I remember last year when I got stuck going to my boyfriend's house in the snow because of all the hills that leads to his house. Grr, was I ever mad. Please pray for save driving! :-)

Friday, November 27, 2009

My First Venture on Black Friday!

Black Friday is one of the busiest shopping days of the year. I am proud to say I had my first midnight madness experience, and I am finally cured of that. At around six o'clock Thanksgiving night my boyfriend's sister, Jen begged her mom and I to go along with her to "Toys R Us" at midnight when they opened. She said they were advertising special door busters online that barely anyone knew about. Well, when we arrived the line went all the way across the building down past the abandoned circuit city and around the complex. The line was ridiculous to say the least. Well, after driving over 45 minutes to get there, we weren't just going to turn back now. Once we got in line it was about 11:30 and we stood in the freezing cold wind and rain for a half an hour before the store even opened. When they finally unlocked the doors, the line moved pretty quickly into the building. There was almost a riot at the door because people tried forming a second line on the opposite side and claiming that they were there long before everyone else. Once we started shopping I was beginning to feel very overwhelmed. We were pushing huge boxes around trying to weave through the aisles thinking about what we were going to buy. Leave it to us, not to make a list on black Friday. When we were all finished shopping we ventured off in search of the checkout line. Who would of known the line was from the front of the building weaving through each aisle all the way to the back of the building and then as if that wasn’t enough it went from the back of the store to the other end and back. We ended up waiting three hours in line. Black Friday is definitely not something I think is worth all the trouble. Honestly, "Toys R Us" barely had any good sales. Now come on, if you are going to open at midnight, at least have something worth my while for us spending three hours in line for. I didn't end up buying a thing, but my boyfriend's mother and sister ended up spending over 350 dollars all together. After going through the checkout and out the door to fill the car with all of our goodies, it wasn't until 4:00 that we were finally finished. Over four and a half hours spent at "Toys R Us" on black Friday.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Okay, so it's time for my daily rant! I am completely irritated hearing people complain about how tired they are with all the class work the past few weeks. Today, I went to psychology and although it is an eight o'clock class that doesn't mean it gives anyone the right to distract others over their worthless complaints. A few girls were aggravated that my professor still had class. They were upset that they had to attend class in order to get their one point for attendance. Honestly, if you are going to brag about how you told your boyfriend that you weren't going to attend any of your classes today then why are you even in college. College is for people who actually care about creating a future worth living. If you are going to be a slacker and complain because you actually receive points for just showing up to class, then why bother even coming if that one point isn't worth anything to you. Seriously, I am the most overwhelmed student sometimes but I never complain about my obligations. I paid for college, I paid to do well, and I'm going to succeed. Just please keep in mind, the next time you consider complaining about your life look around and check to see if ANYONE CARES! :) Have a happy turkey day everyone!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me!!!!!

Well to say the least I couldn't have had a better birthday! To start out I ended up baking four dozen batches of cup cakes for the daycare center and I was up until midnight on Thursday putting the final touches on them. Friday was to be the start of my birthday weekend, I worked at the center until 3:00, but I stayed a little later to enjoy the cup cakes with my little two year olds. :-) Later that night my boyfriend and I went out to my favorite restaurant Texas Road House! Yum, Yum! After that we did a little Christmas shopping and then went back to his house to watch a movie. The next day it was MY BIRTHDAY! I got up early to try and work on some homework and then went to Party City to visit my best friend, LaTicia. We ate some lunch together during her break which I really enjoyed because it has been a while since I've seen her. I came home around noon and my boyfriend came over. We went to Lancaster that evening with my parents, my sister, and her husband. Did I forget to mention that I share a birthday with my mother and sister? Yes, it's true! So we all went over to Shady Maple, yum, yum! After which my boyfriend and I went to Park City to window shop. Well we ended up window shopping in all the jewelry stores! :-) He ended up getting me a birthday ring which I was super surprised about! After going home and grabbing some clothes to spend the night we stopped at Giant to pick up an ice cream cake. It's not a birthday without ice cream cake!! After blowing out my candles and making my 19th wish, we ate while watching The Notebook with his parents. What a wonderful birthday weekend! :-)